Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a common complaint which effects both men and women. It is caused by repetitive strain or trauma to the forearm. The overuse of or straining of the muscles and tendons near the elbow can result in tiny tears which cause inflammation. The term tennis elbow suggests that this is a condition suffered exclusively by those who play tennis but that isn’t the case. Any activity which involves repeated gripping and the twisting of the forearm can cause tennis elbow. A case of tennis elbow can be triggered by gardening, decorating, playing musical instruments and participating in a variety of sports.

If you are suffering from tennis elbow then you may experience anything from mild discomfort when using your forearm to severe pain even when immobile. Tennis elbow symptoms include:

  • Pain on the outside of the arm just below the elbow
  • Pain when lifting objects or bending the affected arm
  • Pain when gripping objects with the hand or shaking hands
  • Pain when twisting the arm as when opening a jar or using a screwdriver

By resting the affected arm and ceasing the activity which has most likely caused the problem, a case of tennis elbow will usually resolve itself in time. However, tennis elbow can take from 6 months to two years to clear up completely and so easing the pain and hastening recovery will help to make life easier.

Osteopathy and Tennis Elbow

To address a potential case of tennis elbow we will first conduct a careful examination to affect a diagnosis. Pain in the forearm can also be the result of other conditions including arthritis, bursitis and radial tunnel syndrome. We will review your case history to discover the potential causes of the tennis elbow and the lifestyle issues which may be exacerbating it so that we can recommend changes that will aid your recovery.

Tennis Elbow Treatment in Witney

We will use massage of the soft tissues and manipulation techniques in the treatment of tennis elbow as this can help to relieve the symptoms. Osteopathy is a holistic treatment for tennis elbow and so we will also explore the possibility of any pre-existing conditions in the neck, wrist or shoulder and address these. Problems in these areas can predispose you to tennis elbow and make a recurrence of the condition more likely.

We will use massage of the soft tissues and manipulation techniques in the treatment of tennis elbow as this can help to relieve the symptoms. Osteopathy is a holistic treatment for tennis elbow and so we will also explore the possibility of any pre-existing conditions in the neck, wrist or shoulder and address these. Problems in these areas can predispose you to tennis elbow and make a recurrence of the condition more likely.