Shoulder pain is relatively common with around a third of adults experiencing issues with their shoulder at some point in their lives. Shoulder problems are often complex in nature and can take a considerable period of time to adequately resolve. It is crucial to establish the cause of your discomfort as shoulder pain can be the result of an underlying condition or disease. Following an examination and a review of your case history, we may recommend that you consult your GP or have further tests to achieve an accurate diagnosis.

What Causes Shoulder Pain?

There are several common causes of shoulder pain that we are able to address:
  • Poor posture
  • Muscle and tendon damage including sports injuries
  • Rotator cuff disorders (these are often repetitive strain injuries)
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Shoulder instability (dislocation or excessive movement in the shoulder)
  • Acromioclavicular joint pain
  • Frozen shoulder (please see our page dedicated to this condition)
  • Referred shoulder pain (pain resulting from an issue in another area of the body)

Osteopathy and Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can originate in the joint or the surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments. It can also be the result of an issue elsewhere such as in the neck or back. The holistic approach of osteopathy can, therefore, be highly beneficial in the treatment of chronic shoulder pain. We will examine you carefully, discuss your lifestyle and review your medical history in order to fully understand the cause or causes of your shoulder pain. Your treatment regime will depend on your particular diagnosis, your age and your general health.

We will use massage, articulation of the joints and stretching techniques to improve the movement in your shoulder and to reduce tension in the muscles. Your chronic pain treatment in Witney will address all areas of your body which may be contributing to your shoulder problem and general wellbeing. We can also suggest exercises which will assist with your recovery and help to prevent a recurrence of your condition. We can offer advice regarding your posture and any other habits which may be affecting your health.